Thursday, March 13, 2008

Little Claus borrowed a horse and a cart to put his mother in.Little Claus travelled along way before reaching his destination which was a friend of his. When Little Claus arrived he told his friend the Landlord where he was headed . Ah Little Claus thought of another trick (prank) to play on somebody and that somebody was the landlord. He told the the Landlord to bring his grandmother a glass of water (mead ) and told him to talk loud because her grandmother could not hear very well. When the Landlord shouted that he had the water he lost his temper and throw the glass at her .It struck her on the nose and she tipped over the cart and fell out. Little Claus rushed at the man and held him by the neck, told him that his grandmother was dead because of him. He begged Little Claus to keep silent and he would give him a bushel of money which was alot and he would take care of his grandmother as if she were his . So Little Claus agreed to that because he wanted money.Little Claus want home again called for Great Claus and told him a Ly for the third or second time. I think Little Claus is very smart in his own way.

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